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Dell Laptop Black Screen With Cursor Windows 10 Before Login Updated FREE

Dell Laptop Black Screen With Cursor Windows 10 Before Login

Windows 10, while an efficient operating system, tin can surprise yous with random errors. One such problem is that of a black screen with a cursor.

There is no error code shown on the screen, nor is there whatever indicator that tells for how long the blackness screen will stay.

The figurer black screen with a cursor in Windows 10 is not a normal thing, and there could exist several reasons why this mistake has cropped up. Common reasons include:

  • A characteristic update installation that may causing compatibility issues
  • Some trouble with a Windows update
  • Loose display connection
  • A hardware related issue

Kindly note this is not an spread-out list. You may likewise get this error considering of other reasons.

Whatever the reason might exist, the good news is yous can resolve the computer black screen with cursor Windows 10 problem fairly quickly. To brand things easy for you, we have shared a few solutions that tin help resolve the issue.

Solution One – Check connection (for Desktops)

The first thing yous demand to do is ensure the connexion at both ends is business firm and the video input connector is well seated in the slot. The connectedness bank check solution is directed towards desktop users. If yous take multiple video ports, attempt using a dissimilar video port. If the blackness screen problem does not appear with the new video port, the onetime port is to blame for the result.

If the black screen issue is persistent at all video ports, you can conclude the video ports are working fine and yous need to look elsewhere to detect the root cause of the issue. Try the next solution in line.

Solution Ii- Remove the battery (for laptops)

Equally mentioned above the solution is the simply application for the computer that runs on batteries. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Close downwards your Windows 10 Bone
  • After the laptop is completely switched off, remove the battery
  • With the battery removed, press and hold the ability button on the laptop for half a minute or more
  • Put back the battery in your laptop  and kicking Windows

Cheque whether the black screen issue is resolved. If it persists, move to the next solution.

Note – All solutions discussed below require access to Windows settings. Since yous are facing the black screen with a cursor problem in Normal mode, you cannot execute the steps until you lot reach the desktop screen. In that scenario, the only way out is booting Windows in Prophylactic Mode and and so following the steps given beneath.

How to showtime Windows 10 in Prophylactic Way from a black/blank screen?

Before you kick Windows 10 into Rubber Mode, the computer needs to enter the Windows Recovery Environment. To do this, switch off the computer repeatedly (ii-3 times). Here are the steps to follow.

  • Printing the Power button and agree it down for 10 seconds to ability off the computer
  • Printing the Power push button to switch the calculator on
  • When you see the Windows logo on the screen or the manufacturer's logo, press and concur downwardly the Power button for 10 seconds to power off the computer once more
  • Printing the Ability button to plow on your computer
  • Restart your computer and printing and agree downward the Power push button again for x seconds to plow off the computer
  • Printing the Ability button again to start the estimator
  • This time allow the figurer to restart completely. Information technology volition enter the Windows Recovery environs

Now that the figurer is in the Recovery environment, you tin can start the reckoner in Safe Mode. Hither are the steps to follow.

  • On the Choose an option screen, click Troubleshoot -> Advanced options -> Startup Settings -> Restart.

Afterwards the computer restarts, y'all volition see different options to start your estimator

  • You need to select option 5 – Safe Mode with networking. You can press F5 to beginning the computer in Safe Style.

Later your estimator boots into Safe Way, y'all need to perform the troubleshooting steps given in the solutions given below.  After trying every solution, you demand to leave Safe Mode and see if the estimator black screen with the cursor Windows ten issue is resolved.

How to get out Windows Safe Mode?

  • Printing Windows logo key and R push on the keyboard simultaneously
  • Blazon msconfig in the Run box and hit Enter on the keyboard
  • In the System Configuration window, become to the Boot tab
  • Under the boot options, uncheck the box – Condom kicking
  • Shut all windows
  • Shut down the PC

Solution Iii- Disable Fast Startup

The Windows 10 Fast Startup mode is a dainty feature.  It combines the hibernate and common cold shutdown features.  When the fast startup mode is enabled Windows shits down all programs and logs off all users earlier shutdown just like a common cold shutdown. However, the Windows kernel and system session is running and its image is stored like in the hide mode.

When you boot your system, the Windows kernel and system session is not freshly loaded simply loaded from the memory. This might cause errors like a black screen with a cursor. Many users have reported disabling fast startup has resolved the black screen effect in Windows 10. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Printing the key combination Windows +  R to bring up the Run dialog
  • Type powercfg.cpl and hit Enter on the keyboard
  • In the Power Options window,  click the "Choose what the power buttons do" option that appears on the left
  • In the side by side screen, curl down to Shutdown settings
  • Uncheck the option – Turn on fast startup
  • Click Save changes
  • Close all windows
  • Restart your PC

 Check if the black screen with a cursor problem appears. If the effect is non resolved, move to the next solution.

Solution four – Disable integrated graphics card

Many laptops come with a defended graphics card. In some scenarios, the motherboard in the laptop also has an integrated graphics carte du jour. Co-ordinate to computer experts, only i graphics card needs to be active in Windows. There is a possibility the Windows 10 Os is because the integrated graphics menu as a 2d monitor which is causing the black screen computer.

In that scenario, disabling an integrated graphics bill of fare is a prophylactic option. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Click on Start and so click on Run
  • Type devmgmt.msc and hit Enter on the keyboard
  • In the Device Director window, expand Display Adapters
  • Check whether y'all can see two display adapters

In well-nigh cases, the graphics card with Intel'due south proper noun is the integrated graphics card, for case the Intel Hard disk 400 graphics carte. Check the computer specifications to know well-nigh integrated graphics card

  • Right-click on the integrated graphics carte and click on Disable
  • Close Device Managing director window

Reboot your calculator in normal manner to see if the blackness screen outcome has been stock-still. If the problem persists, move to the side by side solution.

Solution 5 – Login into Windows with a different user account

The blackness screen outcome could exist the effect of a corrupted user profile. To ensure that is not the instance in your computer problem, yous need to log into Windows with a different user account.  If the blackness screen problem does not surface when you log in every bit a different user, you can copy the current user profile (the good 1) to your existing profile (the bad ane) and go the older user account working over again.

  • Start your computer in Safe Style
  • At  the login screen, you will see an option Switch user
  • Click Switch User
  • It volition bear witness you all existing user account in Windows x including the regular user account you used that might be decadent
  • Click on the user business relationship which yous want to use
  • Enter Pin or countersign to log in to Windows

After you lot accept logged into a working user account, perform the steps given below

Become to following folder – C:\Users\{working-user-contour-proper noun}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Caches.

Copy the folder Caches

Log in with the corrupted user business relationship

Go to following folder – C:\Users\{working-user-profile-proper noun}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Caches.

Supersede the binder with a folder from the working user profile

If you don't accept another user account, y'all demand to create one with administrator rights.  Here are the steps to follow.

Steps to create a new user business relationship with admin rights

Earlier you go along with the steps given below, you demand to ensure the business relationship you would be signing in is an ambassador account. If information technology is not an administrator account, yous need to actuate the default administrator account past post-obit the steps given below

  • Click Start and type cmd in Cortana search
  • Right-click command prompt from search results and click Run as ambassador
  • If prompted blazon the username and countersign that grants admin rights to the computer
  • Blazon: net user administrator /active:yeah.
  • Hit Enter on the keyboard

Later activating the default admin account, log in to your admin account and perform the steps given below.

  • Click Start and blazon settings in Cortana search
  • Click Settings that appears at the top of search results
  • In Windows Settings, click Accounts
  • In the next window, click Family and Other People that appears in the left pane
  • Nether Other People, click the + icon with the championship Add someone else to this PC
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a user account.

If changing user accounts have not helped, move to the next solution.

Solution half-dozen – Set the display output to IGFX in BIOS

IGFX sets the onboard graphics equally the showtime display. Many users have reported setting the display output to IGFX in BIOS helped them resolve the black screen with a cursor issue in Windows 10.

You lot need to access BIOS to gear up the brandish output to IGFX. The BIOS access fundamental is non standard and it could be F2, Del, or F4. Check your laptop documentation or motherboard documentation to know the right BIOS access central

  • Start the reckoner and printing the right BIOS admission fundamental repeatedly until the computer enters BIOS
  • Once you get admission to BIOS settings, look for the brandish output setting and set it to IGFX
  • Save Changes to BIOS and exit BIOS.
  • Restart your reckoner

Cheque whether the black screen upshot has been resolved. If it persists, the last resort is Reset the PC.

Solution 7 – Reset this PC

Reset Windows will reinstall windows that are more probable to resolve the black screen with a cursor issue in Windows. Resetting the PC will delete all settings, apps, and files. Hence, we recommend you to accept a fill-in of important data in Safe Style before following the steps given below.

  • Click Beginning -> Settings
  • In the Settings window, click Update and Security
  • In the Update and Security, click Recovery in the left pane
  • When the Recovery options are revealed in the window, go to Reset this PC section
  • Click Become Started
  • In the next window, you volition get two options – Continue my files and Remove Everything
  • Select whatsoever choice yous want
  • Click Next
  • Click Reset
  • Click Continue when prompted

Wait for the process to get over. Starting time your PC and see whether the problem is resolved.

Dell Laptop Black Screen With Cursor Windows 10 Before Login


Source: https://www.drivers.com/update/pc-fix-tips/computer-black-screen-with-cursor-windows-10-problem-fixed/

Posted by: davistherk1968.blogspot.com

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